Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year Eve

Had a weird dream yesterday...

I was in a school, talking to a bunch of people.
We were discussing about the wars between concubines in the palace and who 高攀 another person when they're married -.-
The classes became the palace of concubines...
After that, we headed to a place for assembly. Siow suddenly appeared and we walked together just like classmates when we used to be during our school life.
There were so many people at the hall and we were squeezing between everyone to find a place.
The moment I saw Jack sitting on the floor, I was so excited...
*Excited because it was the first time Jack in my dream, maybe there was once but I can't remember... ps: siow also first time in your dream, dun ignore him too HAHA
I turned and wanna tell Siow about Jack and Siow was also going to tell me that he saw him too.
Our lips accidentally brushed each others..and he told me "We almost kissed... "
I was like...'OMG I wished we'd kissed though...WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS!!'
And it happened in front of Jack...-.-
I was so scared that he saw us and we fled.
Then, the scene changed to a hotel.
I think I was going to the Theme Park and suddenly someone stopped me.
It was my schoolmate, Mr Lee.
He asked me the directions to go to the lift of his hotel room.
It was so weird for me so I just simply gave him the directions and... FLED AGAIN.

So today's the last day of 2015.
I am definitely not happy about it :(
It means I have been separated with my beloved BFFS for a year.
The reason I felt sad is because our timetables are so mixed up thus we can't have a gathering with full attendance. Everyone is so busy with their studies. Sigh
PLUS I have been not seeing Jack for 10 months! Other from visiting his FB profile :((
Okay...27 more minutes to another doomed year!
Happy (?) New Year! ._.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

总结我的 2015 年

我也不知道我做了什么,只记得我在 IOI 替有机店来推销新年有机礼篮。
他不要去order 只有我order 结果两杯只写着我的名字 XD
我也不知道为什么那个人要这么做 haha



我上中六了 -.-


我的 BIO 和 CHEM……

享受生活当中 -.-

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Semester 1

So....I had STPM Sem 1 last few weeks
Pa and Maths T was okay for me, cause I can do some of the questions.
Then i was busted by Bio and Chem. T.T
I don't really know what's the bio question asking for -.-
Now I knew, Bio question is so weird.
We studied Chapter 5 and 6 like crazy but they don't even care to give us an essay question about one of the chapters.
And Chem, the question was so hard, for me.
I can't finish the paper and i left some blanks in the essay section. *sighs
I felt bad as i scored the highest mark for Chem and it was the only paper that i passed during my trial.
And our reputation in school depends on our Sem 1 results.
Just hope I could pass....or prepare for retake.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This is a late post LOL

I just removed my braces on 7th of October. Its already a month lol
It was a short and quick process and its a little bit painful hehe.
My teeth became smooth but after wearing the retainer it returned to its same old texture ._.
Quite happy cause Im back with my white teeth without bearings!!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

little story of mine 2

From that day onwards, I became a stalker (to stalk Jack XD)
I don't even remember why I staked him for almost everyday AHAHA was because of his funny + epic photos that made him so interesting to me.
No one in my whole life I met could win his epicness and funniness...LOL!
And the way he walks, is just so different from other people.
Don't ask me why I observe his style of walking, he is just too special.
Hmm...The reason I fall for him...
I just like to know what is he currently doing...
I followed him on Twitter, Ig and FB.
Damn hyperbola rite HAHA

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Found this in my Whatsapp backup :P
Its about him...HAHA


Monday, October 19, 2015


Its quite hazy these days and we are given holidays including tomorrow. WOOHOO
However there's so many stuff in school waiting for me ahhhh.
Chemistry practical, exam papers and cleaning up haunted house!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Amazing Things That I Ever Done till OCT 2014

Wrote this during my SPM Trials HAHA! *and some add on-s as well ;)
  • Playing erasers during primary school - Back to the time when teacher is using projectors for lessons, my crazy friends and I would take some white or coloured erasers and cut them into small pieces. We have fried rice, plain rice, overcooked fries and eggs XD awww....IT WAS SUCH A GOOD MEMORY (2006)
  • Read romance novels - OH MY! That was my favourite hobby last time...but now I am so busy to even read a novel! I think it was Voon aunty who influenced me HAHA (2008)
  • Rebonding - OH MY! I still remember that my hair smelled so nice after rebonding! UMUM!! (2010)
  • Cut my long hair - After cutting my hair, my hair turned out to be curly AGAIN! Rebonding failed -.- ALAMAK, I looked like an aunty! (2010)
  • Fighting with a girl by drawing the toilet's door - It might be a small matter but I was damn crazy last time. We apologized to each other and I cried like hell...What the shit?! So embarrassing man! (2010)
  • ' Memaki ' cikgu di FB - Oh well, its just a ' LOL ' word then i was called by the teachers. Yeah, and someone is so scared until he called all of us to kneel down to the teachers. Hey man you guys are the one who cursed them the most, why me?! COWARD! Although i cried a lot but this experience is quite fun (*u sure -.-) (2011)
  •  My braces - I would like to thank KJoonK for insulting my teeth and ask me to put on braces.So lots of your cousins are following ' my trend ' to wear braces...WHAT DO YOU THINK? DO THEY HAVE UGLY TEETH?! I felt amazing and crazy after wearing it but sometimes I felt so pek cek cause I cannot eat or bite hard food @.@ (2013)
  • Being a successful stalker - I scrolled through Jack's profile and found a lot of his funny photos. I made them as meme too. Second, we went to stalk Jack while he was helping to decorate the walls in our school. Yee helped me to took photos of his butt and its still in my phone haha. Third, Yee, Zhe and Hui helped me to take photos of Jack again during our graduation day. That day was so funny for the Jack part and someone even realise we were taking pictures of him. Zhe was so pek cek cause she was the one who got caught for taking Jack's ' handsome ' pics. LOL (2014)
  •  A pro ' detective ' (*self-praise) - My dad stopped opposite of Star Village and I saw Wei Hon and his girlfriend. I manage to took pictures of them secretly and uploaded to Whatsapp...HAHA(2014)
  • I survived for 17 years - I am finally 17 y/o ?! Its kinda crazy but it shows that I have passed my UPSR and of course PMR. I still can't believe it! I wanna become a kid forever. I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!

Done for the day. BYE

Friday, October 16, 2015


Finished my trials and got my results back. already T.T
Failed 2 subjects, Bio and Maths -.-
Wonderfully passed my Chemistry. *Thanks to Pn Lee
Maths paper was so damn difficult, it might be my fault for making mistakes and forget to emphasize on some formulas. But overall it was still difficult cause there's only 3 person who passed the test in my class. I did so much of set papers but there's no use, I still failed.
Or this might be the trick of our teachers to force us to stay back after school for giving us papers that is as hard as rock.
What i can conclude : LIFE AIN'T EASY HERE

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

little story of mine

So it was just an ordinary day.
Goh and I was at the teacher's office finding teacher or might be peeking at the teachers' absent list.
When we decided to leave, that was the time I saw him (J). xD
He was the new student in our school so I was curious about him....
+ Point : his school bag is too ' special ' that I can't keep my eyes off him HAHA
Then, Goh told me that guy was her primary school classmate...
MY MISSION : Relating Goh And Guys 
So I told everyone (not everyone tbh...hehe) that J is her prince (白马王子)

Monday, September 28, 2015


Previous story...

Zhe hoou dropped his jaw.
"I flew here. I knew I am amazing! I always knew it." The old man's face was not glowing anymore instead he looked disgusting. His wings were covered with some black spots thanks to the shit. 
The old man flew down and helped Zhe Hoou to fix his jaw. 
Zhe Hoou was not surprised by the wings because he had always daydreamed about man having a pair of wings for years.
The reason why his jaw dropped is because he accidentally hit his jaw onto a big rock when he was a kid. His jaw is now no longer  controllable by his facial muscles.
"Hey handsome, I am Leong Joon Yu, your future girlfriend." The old man said girly and it sounded creepy.
"What?! Eww!!" After listening, Zhe Hoou felt sick, uneasy and started to vomit in front of his house.
"Oh, I am sorry!" The old man started licking the shit that had been resting on his face for hours. "Its so delicious man!"
Zhe Hoou was so frightened. He can't stand it and passed out.

Zhe Hoou's wife Baby works as a fishmonger at the bazaar.
When she went back home after selling the fishes she catch from the drain, she smelled something unpleasant, her husband was lying on the floor, unconscious and the fast food he bought was scattered everywhere.
She hurriedly grab a frozen fish and slamed Zhe Hoou's face for few times.
After a few minutes, Zhe Hoou gained back consciousness with a bruise on his face and his jaw dropped again.
Baby fixed his jaw and helped him out."What happen to you?"
"Oh! I saw an old man, face covered with shit and he licked it! The scariest part is he has a gay voice!! And he has a pair of wings! This is real Baby! You must believe me!!"
Baby looked around and gave him a weird look. There's no one to be seen.
"You are just dreaming. There's no man with wings Its impossible."
When she noticed the bags of food on the floor, she started yelling.
"Start distributing the food right now Zhe Hoou! You shall be the future mayor. Stop standing there and doing nothing!!!"

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Love Letter from The 6 Princes

Another idea from me BUAHAHA...

Hello Goh,

We are your husband KKX, Tiox, YamXian, Jacx, Chin Xun Hern and LDX
We would like to express our feelings for you. This is because we have been loving you for years, especially KKX, LDX and Jacx. Three of us have been admiring you since primary school.
I, KKX was always changing girlfriends just to get your attention.
Hi, I am LDX. Although I have a lot of girlfriends, my heart is still yours. I kissed your picture every night before I sleep.
Yolo, I am Jacx. Tbh, I have been secretly admiring you since we were classmates. Unfortunately, you changed class in the following year.  Haih, I missed you so much. I would like to thank God for meeting you again at SMKBPJB! Now, I am planning to woo you!! Do you understand woo? You may check with my new friend Beng Hui :)
Hello, although I just met you for few hours but I have already fallen in love with you madly. I would like to teach you to drive a car. I was so sad when I heard you failed your road test. Did you know I almost cry?? Yeah, I am Chin Xun Hern!!
Yo! Its Tiox here! I would like to tell you that the question I asked your sis during the lantern festival is serious. I always wanted you to be my girlfriend. The reason I date with Xean is to approach you!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Before SPM, my gang and I (especially me) did alot of ' great ' stuffs in this is one of the products of mine.


It has been raining for almost two weeks. The CaoAGua Village was flooded which causes the death of many crops and animals. Everyone in the village was starving to death!
 Zhe Hoou, a handsome man in the village volunteered himself to brave the flood and went out the village to town to buy some Mc Donalds, KFC and Pizza Hut for everyone.

On his way home, out of a sudden, Zhe Hoou saw a jolt of pink thunder flashed through the sky. He then saw a figure falling down from the sky and a loud thud which came from the forest was heard.
After a few seconds, an old man walked out from the forest with his hands on his back.
"Ouch! It hurts..." the old man said with his gay tone.

The old man's face was glowing, he wore a white dress and a pair of high heels. Then, he walked towards Zhe Hoou. "Oh hey Zhe Hoou! I am Joon Y...woah!!"
As the old man was walking, he tripped his own dress and fall foward onto a pile of shit.Zhe Hoou was worried and ran over to the old man.
"How was your meal? I hope you enjoyed it. I am off with my Mc Donalds! BYE!!" He replied the old man cold heartedly.

Upon reaching Zhe Hoou's house in the village, he saw a guy with a black face sitting on the rooftop of his house. As Zhe Hoou approach his house, he could smell a pungent smell and it was familiar. This made him thought off the shit incident in the forest just now. He then recognised that it was the old man that he saw but now with a pair of wings.

.....To be continued

Thursday, April 16, 2015



有老伍、我滴偶像铨哥、爱睡的 Shaun Jie 及玉蜀黍皇后家仪!
遗憾的是我们的大妈beng 无法去 :(


全都在睡觉 XD

Saturday, February 21, 2015


新年快乐 :/

我又被别人讲 :(
唉唉 T.T